terça-feira, 10 de março de 2009

17th Drawing - Emma

This is for a lovely girl I just met today, she liked my drawings and wouldn't mind if I drew her, sorta' anime style.
So I did. And here it is, Emma. ^^

16th Drawing - Cloud AC

I know, I know, it isn't my best, but I think it came out pretty neat, it's missing a lot of things but.. At the end, I think it was enough, so I letted it be just like it is.
My next Cloud will be better, I promise!

segunda-feira, 9 de março de 2009

15th Drawing - Hyuuga Hinata

After realizing where my profession's at (boobs obviously), I decided to draw Hyuuga Hinata, which came out fairly well, I like her, even though at first site her cloth wraps don't make sense, they actually do in the near end, well, hope you guys like this one : D
P.S: My profession was a joke xD

14th Drawing - Uli

Well, I literally had no idea what to draw, and since drawing boobs again wouldn't really benefit me (Altough it would mankind) I decided to try and "transport" myself into the world of anime.
This is what I'd look like... Well.. 'Sorta.. Hehe..

13th Drawing - ... Cookies?

So.. I got asked to do cookies by a friend and well..
Here they are, hope you like' em lol.

12th Drawing - Inês Ávila

Inês Ávila.
A classmate of mine, a good friend, and since she wouldn't mind me drawing something for her, I did so and dedicated this to her, it's not one of my best works, but it's my first half-nude one.
It's 17+, and it's certainly not hentai, but ecchi, I believe.
Ah well, I must say, another job well done, lol.

domingo, 8 de março de 2009

11th Drawing - Metabee

Say hello to Metabee, from the hit Anime show, Medabots.
I watched this one a lot as a kid, and my fav. was definitly this KBT model, Metabee!
So, since I kinda had the knack to draw, I tried it out, and well, it came out really well.
Sadly, I also had to use reference here, this angle was something I never tried to do.